Issue N°2: Rewilding

Order Magazine


In The Lissome N°2: Rewilding, we embrace our shared aliveness and joyfully dance for a “rewilding” of our world. We come to explore a new worldview for the 21st century and delve into how “enlivenment,” a culture of aliveness, poetry and beauty, could help break down the illusion of separation and heal our estrangement from the natural world. 


We open our minds and hearts to the power and wisdom of pleasure and sensuality in fashion activism and life, and to rest and slowing down as a potent political protest. We explore the animism of supply chains, delve into the world of herbalism and modern witchcraft and join permaculture activists and fearless forest guardians on their quest to protect and live in balance with the Earth. We look at how to replace growth logic with Earth Logic, and at how the Fibershed movement is pioneering the formation of regenerative fibre systems communities worldwide. It’s a liberating ride of intention and beauty, opening the doors of perception.

We would like to thank our sponsors, Armedangels, Calida, Dr. Hauschka, pinqponq and Weleda, and our printing partner, Druckhaus Sportflieger, for their vital support of our work and vision.

Featuring interviews, essays and fashion stories with:
Andreas Weber (Enlivenment)
Mathilda Tham and Kate Fletcher (Earth Logic)
Emma Bruschi (Dressed in Nature)
Renee Elizabeth Peters (Permaculture)
Sam Lee (Singing with the Nightingales)
Michaela Vieser (Feeling the Rivers in the Sky)
Hannah Fletcher (Developing a Plant-Based Solution)

Stacey Cotter Manière

Amie Berghan
Anna Rosa Krau
Ania Zoltkowski
Becky Burchell
Dörte de Jesus
Emma Latham Phillips
Michaela Vieser
Reeme Idris
Sophia Schwan

Chioma Ebinama
Laura Brusselaers
Malwine Stauss
Mimi Robson
Moira Frith
Tomoya Kato

Anna Rosa Krau
Annelie Bruijn
Iringó Demeter
Jack Johnstone
Matthias Ziegler
Roo Lewis
Yannick Schuette

Kamilla Richter
Lauren T. Franks
Sophia Schwan