Our Newsletters

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Welcome to our newsletter cosmos. This space is for sharing inspiration, creating with intention, and becoming part of a supportive community.

Stay up to date and subscribe to our newsletters, The Lissome Letter and Slow Style Chronicle. Every new edition goes directly to your inbox.

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The Lissome Letter

Our newsletter that keeps you in the loop with everything The Lissome.

A calm space where we share our latest articles, podcast episodes, workshops, events and exclusive preorders – that you otherwise might miss in the busy world of social media.


Slow Style Chronicle

The curated slow fashion guide from our sister publication, The Book of Kin, dedicated to sharing the stories of independent designers and makers.

Here, we’re going deeper with members of our The Book of Kin, our curated guide book and online platform of independent designers and makers, to get in touch with the stories of the people and processes behind the labels. It’s an ode to being in relationship with the material world and each other, celebrating the beauty of conscious craftsmanship. Each newsletter also includes a styling column that shows alternatives to pushing trend cycles, as well as useful tools to guide you through your journey on this material plane, from how to mend a pant seam to how to cultivate a dye garden.


Do you have any questions or feedback?
Please contact us at mail@thelissome.com.